ibuild Online

A virtual communication training game.

1 - 1.5 saat
Qapalı məkanda
6 - Limitsiz


ibuild Online is a online teambuilding challenge played through a web-based platform and a conference video call. The goal is to make an exact replica of a model. The model reveals on stages of 6 to 11 minutes. Each team member chooses between 3 roles in each stage. Clear communication between team members and collaboration between teams is the key to success.

Öyrənmə nəticələri

Simulation with strict rules designed to emphasize the main principles of passing information through different company levels and departments. Unifying experience with strong outcomes and symbolism. Exchanging roles on each step allows participant to experience different positions and responsibilities.

remote teams

Remote Team Activity

This activity has been designed for people who work remotely. Your team may be working from home, in different regional office locations or in different countries! Love the theme but want a face to face or hybrid solution? Get in touch to find out how we can customise this experience for your team.

web or app

Web and App based remote team building programs

Did you know we offer activities on both web and app? Ask us which remote programs suit your situation.

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